Sunday, November 11, 2007

the Night Watch

the Night Watch
The Nut Gatherers
The Painter's Honeymoon
the polish rider
Threepio quietly translated for Jabba, who immediately became enraged andknocked the golden droid off the raised throne with a sweep of his massive tail.Threepio clattered in a heap on the floor, where he rested momentarily, uncertain ofthe correct protocol in this situation. Jabba raved on in guttural Huttese, Boushh shifted his weapon to a more usableposition. Threepio sighed, struggled back onto the throne, composed himself, andtranslated for Boushh—loosely—what Jabba was saying. "Twenty-five thousand is all he'll pay…" Threepio instructed. Jabba motioned his pig guards to take Chewbacca, as two jawas covered Boushh.Boba Fett, also raised his weapon. Jabba added, to Threepio's translation: "Twentyfive thousand, plus his life." Threepio translated. The room was silent, tense, uncertain. Finally Boushhspoke, softly, to Threepio.


Anonymous said...

the Night Watch"

Anonymous said...

the Night Watch"

Anonymous said...

"the Night Watch"

Anonymous said...

"the Night Watch"