Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Jewel Casket

The Jewel Casket
The Kitchen Maid
The Lady of Shalott
the night watch by rembrandt language, well-adapted to the rarefied atmosphere of the home planet from which thisnomadic species arose. Jabba answered in the same tongue, though his Ubese was stilted and slow. "Atlast someone has brought me the mighty Chewbacca…" He tried to continue, butstuttered on the word he wanted. With a roaring laugh, he turned toward Threepio."Where's my talkdroid?" he boomed, motioning Threepio to come closer.Reluctantly, the courtly robot obeyed. Jabba ordered him congenially. "Welcome our mercenary friend and ask hisprice for the Wookiee." Threepio translated the message to the bounty hunter. Boushh listened carefully,simultaneously studying the feral creatures around the room, possible exits, possiblehostages, vulnerable points. He particularly noticed Boba Fett—standing near thedoor—the steel-masked mercenary who had caught Han Solo. Boushh assessed this all in a moment's moment, then spoke evenly in his nativetongue to Threepio. "I will take fifty thousand, no less."


Anonymous said...

The Jewel Casket"

Anonymous said...

The Jewel Casket"

Anonymous said...

"The Jewel Casket"

Anonymous said...

"The Jewel Casket"