Monday, April 27, 2009

Henri Matisse Odalisques

through the worn soles of his boots telling him he was in Acre Alley, no-one would have believed that they were looking at a man who was very soon going to marry the richest woman in Ankh-Morpork.

Chubby was not a happy dragon.
He missed the forge. He'd quite liked it in the forge. He got all the coal he could eat and the blacksmith hadn't been a particularly unkind man. Chubby had not demanded much out of life, and had got it.
Then this large woman had taken him away and put him in a pen. There had been other dragons around. Chubby didn't particularly 'We are settled down, Fred,' said Corporal Nobbs.
'That's Sergeant to you, Nobby,' said Sergeant Colon.
'What do we have to sit down for anyway? We didn't used to do all this. I feel a right berk, sitting down listenin' to you goin' on about—'
'We got to do it proper, now there's more of us,' said Sergeant like other dragons. And people'd given him unfamiliar coal.He'd been quite pleased when someone had taken him out of the pen in the middle of the night. He'd thought he was going back to the blacksmith.Now it was dawning on him that this was not happening. He was in a box, he was being bumped around, and now he was getting angry . . . Sergeant Colon fanned himself with his clipboard, and then glared at the assembled guards.He coughed.'Right then, people,' he said. 'Settle down.'

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