Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jack Vettriano exit Eden

that would have interested the four enforcers of the Musicians' Guild sitting outside a piano‑shaped hole in Phedre Road.things, she knew. But only because he was, well, quite frankly, a bit soppy.
He'd been made a duke by Queen Keli of Sto Lat. Susan knew what the title meant ‑ duke meant 'war leader'. But her father never fought anyone. He seemed to spend all his time travelling from one wretched city state to another, all over the Sto Plains, just talking to people and trying to get them to talk to other people. He'd never killed anyone, as far as Susan knew, although he may have talked a few politicians to death. That didn't seem to be much of a job for a war leader. Admittedly there didn't seem to be all the little wars there used to be, but it was
. . . not a proud kind of life.Susan strode through the rooms of Death, seething gently with anger and just a touch of fear, which only made the anger worse.How could anyone even think like that? How could anyone be content to just be the personification of a blind force? Well, there were going to be changes . . .Her father had tried to change

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