Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Woman with a Parasol

Venus and Cupid
Vermeer girl with the pearl earring
virgin of the rocks
Woman with a Parasol
another direction, hopelessly out of control. The other two TIE fighters continuedtheir chase, accompanied by the Star Destroyer Avenger, which was blasting speedingasteroid in its path. Han Solo glimpsed the pursuing ships through the windows of his cockpit as hespun his craft around, speeding under yet another oncoming asteroid, then bringingthe freighter back to its right-side-up position. But the Millennium Falcon was notyet out of danger. Asteroids were still streaking past the freighter. A small onebounced off the ship with a loud, reverberating clang, terrifying Chewbacca andcausing See-Threepio to cover his eye lenses with a bronzed hand. Han glanced at Leia and saw that she was sitting stone-faced as she stared at theswarm of asteroids. It looked to him as if she wished she were thousands of milesaway. "Well," he remarked, "you said you wanted to be around when I was wrong." She didn't look at him. "I take it back." "That Star Destroyer is slowing down," Han announced, checking his computerreadings. "Good," she replied shortly.


Anonymous said...

Woman with a Parasol"

Anonymous said...

Woman with a Parasol"

Anonymous said...

"Woman with a Parasol"

Anonymous said...

"Woman with a Parasol"