Thursday, November 8, 2007

virgin of the rocks

virgin of the rocks
The Water lily Pond
Venus and Cupid
Vermeer girl with the pearl earring
Luke awoke from his sleep with a start. Dazed, he looked about him, then sawhis teacher, worriedly watching him from his house. "I can't keep the vision out ofmy head," Luke told Yoda. "My friends…they're in trouble…and I feel that—" "Luke, you must not go," Yoda warned. "But Han and Leia will die if I don't." "You don't know that." It was the whispered voice of Ben, who was beginningto materialize before them. The dark-robed figure stood, a shimmering image, andtold Luke, "Even Yoda cannot see their fate." But Luke was deeply worried about his friends and was determined to dosomething. "I can help them!" he insisted. "You're not ready yet," Ben said gently. "You still have much to learn." "I feel the Force," Luke said. "But you cannot control it. This is a dangerous stage for you, Luke. You arenow most susceptible to the temptations of the dark side." "Yes, yes," Yoda added. "To Obi-wan you listen, young one. The tree.Remember your failure at the tree! Heh?"


Anonymous said...

virgin of the rocks"

Anonymous said...

virgin of the rocks"

Anonymous said...

virgin of the rocks"