Sunday, November 4, 2007

virgin of the rocks

virgin of the rocks
The Water lily Pond
Venus and Cupid
Vermeer girl with the pearl earring
resurgence of strength, a feeling of confidence that urged him to continue fightingdespite his apparently hopeless situation. His eyes fixed upon the lightsaber. Hishand reached out painfully, the freezing in his limbs already taking its toll. Hesqueezed his eyes shut in concentration. But the weapon was still beyond his reach.He knew that the lightsaber would require more than just struggling to reach. "Gotta relax," Luke told himself, "relax…" his disembodied guardian. "Let theForce flow, Luke." The Force! Luke saw the inverted gorillalike image of the Wampa Ice Creature looming, itsraised arms ending in enormous gleaming claws. He could see the apish face for thefirst time now, and shivered at the sight of the beast's ramlike horns, the quiveringlower jaw with its protruding fangs. But then the warrior divorced the creature from his thoughts. He stoppedstruggling for his weapon, his body relaxed and went limp, allowing his spirit to


Anonymous said...

virgin of the rocks"

Anonymous said...

virgin of the rocks"

Anonymous said...

virgin of the rocks"

Anonymous said...

"virgin of the rocks"

Anonymous said...

"virgin of the rocks"