Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sweet Nothings

Sweet Nothings
The Abduction of Psyche
The British Are Coming
The Broken Pitcher
Threepio shrank even lower and looked for support to the carbonite form of HanSolo, suspended in bas relief above the floor. Now there was a human without asense of protocol, thought Threepio wistfully. His reverie was interrupted by an unnatural quiet that suddenly fell over theroom. He looked up to see Bib Fortuna making his way through the crowd,accompanied by two Gamorrean guards, and followed by a fierce-lookingcloaked-and-helmeted bounty hunter who led his captive prize on a leash: Chewbacca,the Wookiee. Threepio gasped, stunned. "Oh, no! Chewbacca!" The future was lookingvery bleak indeed." Bib muttered a few words into Jabba's ear, pointing to the bounty hunter and hiscaptive. Jabba listened intently. The bounty hunter was humanoid, small and mean:a belt of cartridges was slung across his jerkin and an eye-slit in his helmet-mask gavethe impression of his being able to see through things. He bowed low, then spoke influent Ubese. "Greeting, Majestic One. I am Boushh." It was a metallic


Anonymous said...

Sweet Nothings"

Anonymous said...

Sweet Nothings"

Anonymous said...

"Sweet Nothings"

Anonymous said...

"Sweet Nothings"