Friday, November 9, 2007

precious time

precious time
precious time
Red Hat Girl
Red Nude painting
Regatta At Argenteuil
excitement." Yoda shot a glaring look at Luke. "A Jedi craves not these things!" Luke tried to defend his past. "I have followed my feelings." "You are reckless!" the Jedi Master shouted. "He will learn," came the soothing voice of Kenobi. "He's too old," Yoda argued. "Yes. Too old, too set in his ways to start thetraining." Luke thought he heard a subtle softening in Yoda's voice. Perhaps there wasstill a chance to sway him. "I've learned much," Luke said. He couldn't give upnow. He had come too far, endured too much, lost too much for that. Yoda seemed to look right through Luke as he spoke those words, as if trying todetermine how much he had learned. He turned to the invisible Kenobi again."Will he finish what he begins?" Yoda asked. "We've come this far," was the answer. "He is our only hope." "I will not fail you," Luke said to both Yoda and Ben. "I'm not afraid


Anonymous said...

precious time"

Anonymous said...

precious time"

Anonymous said...

precious time"

Anonymous said...

"precious time"

Anonymous said...

"precious time"

Anonymous said...

"precious time"