Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dance Me to the End of Love

Dance Me to the End of Love
Evening Mood painting
female nude reclining
flaming june painting
furnishings and alien artifacts now just a mite frightening. He looked around wildly,trying to avoid the piercing gaze of Ben Kenobi…old Ben…crazy Ben…General Obi-wan… "I've got to get back home," he found himself muttering thickly. "It's late.I'm in for it as it is." Remembering something, he gestured toward the motionlessbulk of Artoo Detoo. "You can keep the 'droid. He seems to want you to. I'llthink of something to tell my uncle—I hope," he added forlornly. "I need your help, Luke," Kenobi explained, his manner a combination ofsadness and steel. "I'm getting too old for this kind of thing. Can't trust myself tofinish it properly on my own. This mission is far too important." He noddedtoward Artoo Detoo. "You heard and saw the message." "But…I can't get involved with anything like that," protested Luke. "I've gotwork to do; we've got crops to bring in—even though Uncle Owen could alwaysbreak down and hire a little extra help. I mean, one, I guess. But there's nothing Ican do about it. Not now. Besides, that's all such a long way from here. Thewhole thing is really none of my business." "That sounds like your uncle talking," Kenobi observed without rancor. "Oh! My Uncle Owen…How am I going to explain all this to him?" The old man suppressed a smile, aware that Luke's destiny had already been


Anonymous said...

Dance Me to the End of Love

Anonymous said...

Dance Me to the End of Love

Anonymous said...

Dance Me to the End of Love"

Anonymous said...

Dance Me to the End of Love"

Anonymous said...

the same time, they reflected the people's noble ideals and beautiful sentiments and good relations between people and the pursuit of longing. They have become core components of Western civilization, is playing a significant impact so far.

oil painting
chinese gallery
handmade painting
Landscape oil painting
oil painting knowledge
Abstract painting
oil painting products
Chinese oil painting
Decorative painting

Anonymous said...

the same time, they reflected the people's noble ideals and beautiful sentiments and good relations between people and the pursuit of longing. They have become core components of Western civilization, is playing a significant impact so far.

oil painting
chinese gallery
handmade painting
Landscape oil painting
oil painting knowledge
Abstract painting
oil painting products
Chinese oil painting
Decorative painting