Tuesday, May 13, 2008

art painting on canvas

art painting on canvas
chinese art painting
art painting for sale
acrylic art painting
Q. And when you returned?
"Mademoiselle Stangerson. I did not notice.
"M. Stangerson. It was still closed. I remember remarking aloud: 'Daddy Jacques must surely have opened it while we were away.'
"Q. Strange! - Do you recollect, Monsieur Stangerson, if during your absence, and before going out, he had opened it? You returned to the laboratory at six o'clock and resumed work?
"Mademoiselle Stangerson. Yes, monsieur.
"Q. And you did not leave the laboratory from that hour up to the moment when you entered your chamber?
"M. Stangerson. Neither my daughter nor I, monsieur. We were engaged on work that was pressing, and we lost not a moment, - neglecting everything else on that account.
"Q. Did you dine in the laboratory?

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