Friday, November 2, 2007

the polish rider

the polish rider
The Sacrifice of Abraham painting
The Three Ages of Woman
The Virgin and Child with St Anne
protruding emplacements burst into transitory flame as bolts from his wing tips struckwith deadly accuracy. He grinned as he pulled up and away from the surface as intense lines of energypassed through space recently vacated. Darned if it wasn't like hunting womp-ratsback home in the crumbling canyons of Tatooine's wastes. Biggs followed Luke on a similar run, even as Imperial pilots prepared to liftclear of the station. Within the many docking bays technical crews rushed hurriedlyto unlock power cables and conclude desperate final checks. More care was taken in preparing a particular craft nearest one of the bay ports,the one into which Darth Vader barely succeeded in squeezing his huge frame. Onceset in the seat he slid a second set of eye shields across his face. The atmosphere of the war room back in the temple was one of nervousexpectancy. Occasional blinks and buzzes from the main battle screen sounded


Anonymous said...

the polish rider"

Anonymous said...

the polish rider"

Anonymous said...

"the polish rider"

Anonymous said...

"the polish rider"

Anonymous said...

"the polish rider"