Monday, October 29, 2007

Red Hat Girl

Red Hat Girl
Red Nude painting
Regatta At Argenteuil
Rembrandt Biblical Scene
Red, green and blue bolts ricocheted off polished sections of wall and floor orripped long gashes in metal surfaces. Screams of injured and dying humans –apeculiarly unrobotic sound, Threepio thought—echoed piercingly above the inorganicdestruction. One beam struck near the robot's feet at the same time as a second one burst thewall directly behind him, exposing sparking circuitry and rows of conduits. Theforce of the twin blast tumbled Threepio into the shredded cables, where a dozendifferent currents turned him into a jerking, twisting display. Strange sensations coursed through his metal nerve-ends. They caused no pain,only confusion. Every time he moved and tried to free himself there was anotherviolent crackling as a fresh cluster of componentry broke. The noise and man-madelightning remained constant around him as the battle continued to rage. Smoke began to fill the corridor. Artoo Detoo bustled about trying to help freehis friend. The little robot evidenced a phlegmatic indifference to the raveningenergies filling the passageway. He was built so low that most of the beams passedover him anyhow. "Help!" Threepio yelled, suddenly frightened at a new message from aninternal sensor. "I think something is melting. Free my left leg—the trouble's nearthe pelvic servomotor." Typically, his tone turned abruptly from pleading to berating. "This is all your fault!" he shouted angrily. "I should have known better than totrust the logic of a half-sized thermocapsulary dehousing assister. I don't know why


Anonymous said...

"Red Hat Girl"

Anonymous said...

"Red Hat Girl"

Anonymous said...

"Red Hat Girl"

Anonymous said...

Red Hat Girl"

Anonymous said...

Red Hat Girl"