Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
girl with a pearl earring vermeer
Gustav Klimt Kiss painting
Head of Christ
determined for him. It had been ordained five minutes before he had learned aboutthe manner of his father's death. It had been ordered before that when he had heardthe complete message. It had been fixed in the nature of things when he had firstviewed the pleading portrait of the beautiful Senator Organa awkwardly projected bythe little 'droid. Kenobi shrugged inwardly. Likely it had been finalized evenbefore the boy was born. Not that Ben believed in predestination, but he did believein heredity—and in the force. "Remember, Luke, the suffering of one man is the suffering of all. Distancesare irrelevant to injustice. If not stopped soon enough, evil eventually reaches out toengulf all men, whether they have opposed it or ignored it." "I suppose," Luke confessed nervously, "I could take you as far as Anchorhead.You can get transport from there to Mos Eisley, or wherever it is you want to go." "Very well," agreed Kenobi. "That will do for a beginning. Then you must dowhat you feel is right." Luke turned away, now thoroughly confused. "Okay. Right now I don't feeltoo good…" The holding hole was deathly dim, with only the bare minimum of illuminationprovided. There was barely enough to see the black metal walls and the high ceilingoverhead. The cell was designed to maximize a prisoner's feelings of helplessness,and this it achieved well. So much so that the single occupant started tensely as ahum came from one end of the chamber. The metal door which began moving asidewas as thick as her body—as if, she mused bitterly, they were afraid she might breakthrough anything less massive with her bare hands. Straining to see outside, the girl saw several imperial guards assume positionsjust outside the doorway. Eyeing them defiantly, Leia Organa backed up against thefar wall.


Anonymous said...

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may

Anonymous said...

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may

Anonymous said...

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may

Anonymous said...

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may"

Anonymous said...

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