Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Biblis painting

Biblis painting
Boulevard des Capucines
Charity painting
Christ In The Storm On The Sea Of Galilee
Luke's face twisted in confusion. "A force? That's the second time you'vementioned a 'force.' " Kenobi nodded. "I forget sometimes in whose presence I babble. Let us saysimply that the force is something a Jedi must deal with. While it has never beenproperly explained, scientists have theorized it is an energy field generated by livingthings. Early man suspected its existence, yet remained in ignorance of its potentialfor millennia. "Only certain individuals could recognize the force for what it was. They weremercilessly labeled: charlatans, fakers, mystics—and worse. Even fewer could makeuse of it. As it was usually beyond their primitive controls, it frequently was toopowerful for them. They were misunderstood by their fellow—and worse." Kenobi made a wide, all encompassing gesture with both arms. "The forcesurrounds each and every one of us. Some men believe it directs our actions, and notthe other way around. Knowledge of the force and how to manipulate it was whatgave the Jedi his special power." The arms came down and Kenobi stared at Luke until the youth began to fidgetuncomfortably. When he spoke again it was in a tone so crisp and unaged that Lukejumped in spite of himself. "You must learn the ways of the force also, Luke—ifyou are to come with me to Alderaan." "Alderaan!" Luke hopped off the repair seat, looking dazed. "I'm not going toAlderaan. I don't even know where Alderaan is." Vaporators, 'droids, harvest—abruptly the surroundings seemed to close in on him, the formerly intriguing


Anonymous said...

Biblis painting

Anonymous said...

Biblis painting

Anonymous said...

Biblis painting

Anonymous said...

"Biblis painting"